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"I am a senior and have been working for 35 years... I now collect unemployment, my only source of income, which is $270.00 a week. That certainly does not stretch far with mortgage, property taxes, utilities, etc. etc. You have really helped me by giving me food. I am not used to taking donations, I am used to being independent and relying on myself only. But I swallowed my pride, and came into you, and you are all so very nice and helpful, and do not "look down" on someone who has run into an unfortunate situation and needs help. Hopefully I will find a job soon and be able to help you back."

MD, Santa Clarita

"The smallest act of kindness is worth more than the grandest intention."

Oscar Wilde

"Thank you, thank you, thank you. You guys fed me when I was down. I'm doing fine now; everything's good and I just wanted to thank you."

Anonymous, Valencia

"The Food Pantry is a life saving program because my income is such that I would have to buy my medicine and eat one meal per day (mac and cheese). I can at least have usually 3 meals with the food Pantry program. Thank You! Thank You!"

EB, Valencia

"We make a living by what we get, but we make a life by what we give."

Winston Churchill

"I want to give thanks to all the staff and volunteers who give their time to help. I appreciate all the folks who gave me help and friendly faces. Americans have to be the most generous people in the world. This humble person is grateful for all you do."

EK, Saugus

"No one is more cherished in this world than someone who lightens the burden of another."

Joseph Addison

"It's amazing how a family can go from a safe and secure environment and then poof the next minute everything changes. God Bless the Food Pantry. My sister went to the Food Pantry and they welcomed her with open arms. They were able to give her some immediate food relief. The Food Pantry not only gave her food but also support and hope. It gives one comfort to know that somebody really cares."


"With no medical insurance coverage, I am unemployed with a disability and my husband's income barely covers all of our financial needs - the food pantry is a great help because there are times when we don't have enough money left for 2 weeks worth of food. Thank You and God bless you for your support."

DC, Canyon Country
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