Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry Volunteer Agreement
I certify that all statements on this application are true and complete to the best of my knowledge. I hereby authorize the Santa Clarita Valley Food Pantry (SCVFP) to investigate any information contained in this application. I understand that false or misleading statements shall be sufficient grounds for immediate dismissal and disqualification from the volunteer program. I also understand that I may be dismissed for other reasons including but not limited to: vulgar language, rude comments, inappropriate actions, drug use, solicitation, harassment of any kind of staff, clients or other volunteers, physical abuse, and/or chronic absenteeism. I understand that the SCVFP reserves the right to discontinue my volunteer service for any reason. SCVFP also has the right to deny me a volunteer spot for any reason in the future without question.
As a volunteer I understand that I am not employed by the SCVFP and therefore I am offering my services for free, of my own free will and without any expectation of compensation or benefits in any form, whatsoever. (CA Labor Code §1720.4) I know that I am free to leave and discontinue my volunteer services at any time and am not bound to the SCVFP.
I understand that anyone under the age of 14 must be accompanied by a parent or guardian. Volunteers ages 15 + can appear and be present on site without accompaniment. Children under the age of 8 are acceptable as volunteers at the sole discretion of the SCVFP staff.
When volunteering at the SCVFP, volunteers can expect to be asked to perform the following job duties, (but are not limited to these roles and responsibilities): Lifting boxes and crates, sorting food and produce, office and clerical duties, cleaning, bagging food, serving clients, miscellaneous manual labor activities, organizing items, helping drivers or driving trucks if applicable.
I understand that even though I am not entitled to a break as a volunteer under CA law, the SCVFP affords me the opportunity to have a 10 minute break, on-site, for every four hours worked. It is the volunteer’s choice to take the break or not and I understand that I should not leave the premises during the break as I might be needed to help even during this time period. It is always the volunteer’s choice to remain on-site, actively working as a volunteer and all volunteers have the right to leave at any time and understand that if they leave, forms will not be signed for hours in exchange and the volunteer may not be asked back to the SCVFP for future volunteer opportunities.
By signing below, I voluntarily agree to participate, for myself or for my minor child, __________________, to participate in this program. I hereby waive, release and hold harmless from any liability or claims for damages or personal injury, including death, as well as from claims for property damage which may arise in connection with the above-named entity and activity, SCVFP, against the SCVPF, its staff, supervisors, directors, Board of Directors or agents. As parent/guardian or self, I hereby consent to treatment of my minor child or self for any and all medical procedures deemed necessary while on the premises of SCVFP as a result of accident or injury. I further agree to pay any and all costs incurred as a result of said necessary treatment. I hereby give permission to the SCVFP to use my or my children’s photographs, videos and any and all media as it sees fit in its social media and marketing distribution accounts. I understand that all media collected while on site belongs to and is the copyrighted property of the SCVFP and I will not receive compensation of any kind for such.