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Who We Help

Food distribution by the SCV Food Pantry is on a short-term, supplemental, need-basis without regard to applicants religion, ethnicity, race, gender, age, or sexual orientation.

Assistance Provided For:

Elderly Individuals
Working Families
Injured & Disabled Individuals
Homeless Individuals & Families
New SCV Residents
Recently Unemployed Individuals
College Students & Youth
Individuals Who've Lost A Steady Income


We serve those in need with dignity, compassion, and respect.

In 2018, the SCV Food Pantry had over 23,000 client visits, averaging nearly 2,000 client engagements each month. Our goal is to help each person who comes through our doors. We serve the elderly, often on fixed incomes and faced with the choice of medicine or food. We serve working families who earn paychecks that cannot support their basic needs. We serve the injured, the disabled, the homeless, and the unemployed – we serve those living in uncertainty, looking for assistance and a better life. 

What we provide



Canned vegetables & fruit
Fresh vegetables & fruit

Hygiene Items
Household Items

Depending upon the generosity of local merchants and donors, we provide a large variety of items which often include:

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Commonly Needed Items

  • Peanut Butter

  • Tuna

  • Canned Meat

  • Macaroni and Cheese

  • Healthy Cereal

  • Healthy Snacks (Granola Bars, Popcorn, Trail Mix, Natural Fruit Snacks, etc.)

  • Nuts (Cashews, Peanuts, Almonds, Walnuts, Pistachios)

  • Lentils, Beans, Rice, & Quinoa

  • Canned Corn and Gravy Mix (we also need these products with low sodium for our seniors)

  • Canned Soup

  • Dry Soup (Ramen Noodles)

  • Pasta

  • Canned Tomatos

  • Shampoo/Conditioner

  • Men's Deodorant

  • Disposable Diapers (sizes 3 and above)

  • Baby Wipes

  • Bar Soap

  • Toothbrushes/Toothpaste

Local Food Donation in Santa Clarita

For more information on qualifying for assistance, please

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